Tag Archives: Beatles

The Miraculous Power of the Beatles

(This clip will probably disappear when Apple discovers it.)

I was working as a children’s photographer at a Sears store. It was unfulfilling work. I had a pal I met in high school whose name was Terra. She was very pretty, was one of the prom queens, and had been in “swim timers”. She was also interested in service work. In high school I took photos of all the clubs. That’s how Terra and I became friends. Continue reading


Filed under Communications, Emotions, Ethics and Morality

Eight Miles High

It’s raining so hard the rhododendrons are losing their petals.  When I was little I didn’t like rain, but I’ve changed.  My desert-born wife loves rain.  It rained like this on our wedding day, one of the luckiest days of my life. Continue reading


Filed under Emotions, Metaphysics, Music, symbolism, Travel

What’s This All About?

I’ve been busy establishing residency, doing paperwork to apply for gubmint jobs, traveling, traveling, traveling all around the area.  My brain has been playing British 60s programming non-stop! Continue reading


Filed under Metaphysics, Music, symbolism, Television, Thinking about thinking