Saving Face vs. Human Life


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4 responses to “Saving Face vs. Human Life

  1. I read this article a few days ago, but thank you for your repost. I just hope people know how important the sharing of this sort of knowledge is. Everything is important because it is so small, universal, big, applicable. The Media tends to take the truth out of things, unfortunately.

    • I’m too busy with the new doggie to write, but I can read while he naps. I am wary when I begin hearing war rhetoric float around the zeitgeist. Reasonable people can justify killing, and I can’t, and sometimes it becomes a barrier between friends. Civil wars are the most horrible kind, and outsiders never really understand their causes in full. This young woman had a kind of inside-outside knowledge, so it touched me. When I re-blog, it’s me saying “Did you see this?”

      I read your latest piece and got a lot from it. When I catch a break, I’ll reply in detail.

  2. galenpearl

    Yes, listen to the people who have experience, whose lives have been directly affected. Thanks for sharing this.

    Besides that, I also just wanted to say hi. I just spent some time catching up on your blog after a summer’s break. Glad to hear about your new puppy. That will be challenging and interesting to approach his training in a more open ended way, waiting to see what his strengths are before focusing his training in a particular direction.

    Happy to reconnect.

    • I’m delighted to report that Finnegan is super-adorable. He’s very much an audial learner, responding to vocal tonality even more than Spice did, and he gained much from a 24-hour visit with Rickles, the retired guide who spent Labor Day staying over with us. With each dog I’m coming to realize more and more that everything is trainable except the base calmness of a personality type. Success is right there in the genes.

      Nice to see you, Galen. Welcome!

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